Proposed Nature Education Area – consultation outcome & decisions
A Nature Education Area was proposed in a small upper woodland area of Waterlow Park. The Trust Advisory Group and Camden Green Spaces reviewed the proposal and asked that the Friends of Waterlow Park run a public consultation to provide a basis for decisions. The consultation closed on the 25th Feb.
Following thorough review of the consultation responses by the Friends of Waterlow Park together with Camden Green Spaces, a report was submitted to the Trust Advisory Group on the 5th April in the form of a Briefing Note with recommendations and a full anonymised report of all responses to the consultation. The Briefing Note may be viewed and downloaded here.
The Trust Advisory Group makes recommendations to the Camden Trustee and in order to be in a position to do so held a number of votes; Initially on those elements of the proposals which the Briefing Note shows received public support:
1) Improvements to the area’s biodiversity, including planting and wildlife habitats – carried unanimously
2) Informal log seating – carried by 7 to 1 majority
There was a further vote on the full proposal as originally envisaged which included details of how the area might be enclosed:
3) Original proposal not to be taken forward – carried unanimously
Following the Trust Advisory Groups vote the Briefing Note was given to the Camden Trustee along with the results of the votes which were all submitted as recommendations.
The Trustee approved all the recommendations on the 11th. April
The Trust Advisory Group appreciates the hard work of the Friends of Waterlow Park and all the volunteers involved in the consultation as well as that of the Camden Green Spaces team and would also like to thank all those who responded to the consultation.