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Trust Advisory Group

The Waterlow Park Trust Advisory Group (TAG) is composed of volunteers who are appointed by the Waterlow Park Trust. Group members will normally serve a 3 or 4 year term.

TAG exists to act as the ‘Think Tank’ for the Trust. It is expected to review financial, policy and governance issues, providing guidance to the Trust and the Camden Parks department. TAG does not deal with the detail of park management and maintenance, but may constitute working parties to look at specific issues where necessary. The role of TAG is akin to that of an extended trusteeship, helping to ensure that good governance mechanisms are in place and ensuring that the public and charitable interests of the Trust are best served.

TAG Introductory Briefing (.pdf download)


Principal Documents


Partnership agreement with Camden



Oliver Jones – Camden Corporate Trustee 


Trust Advisory Group members

Ian Henghes – TAG Chair

April Cameron – Friends of Waterlow Park

Ben Cook – Lux

Valerie Doulton – Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum

Gabi Howard – Camden Council

Katherine Ives – Lauderdale House Society

Fiona Murphy – Friends of Waterlow Park

Andrew Sanalitro – Highgate Newtown Community Partners

Louise Sibley – the Highgate Society

Eileen Willmott – Dartmouth Park Conservation Area Committee


Minutes of meetings

TAG meeting 24th January 2024

TAG meeting 4th October 2023

TAG meeting 16th May 2023

TAG meeting 10th January 2023

TAG meeting 7th September 2022

TAG meeting 11th May 2022

TAG meeting 26th January 2022

TAG meeting 8th October 2021

TAG meeting 21st May 2021

TAG meeting 19th January 2021

TAG meeting 30th September 2020

TAG meeting 1st July 2020

TAG meeting 10th March 2020

TAG meeting 10th December 2019

TAG meeting 24th September 2019

TAG meeting 8th May 2019

TAG meeting 13th February 2019

TAG meeting 29th November 2018

TAG meeting 5th September 2018

TAG meeting 6th June 2018

TAG meeting 13th March 2018

TAG meeting 19th December 2017

TAG meeting 19th September 2017

TAG meeting 14th June 2017

TAG strategy meeting 16th May 2017

TAG meeting 17th March 2017

TAG meeting 24th January 2017

Public meeting 7th December 2016

TAG meeting 1st December 2016